One of the most fascinating and mysterious properties of the brain is its capacity to learn and to establish new memories .According to Solomon (2006) 'learning refers to a permanent change in behaviour, which comes with experience'. Learning involves comprehending the world by reinterpreting knowledge (Ramsden,1992). The Learning Pyramid shows the ways in which people learn. The best ways are teaching others and practice.
Learning within marketing is approached in two ways, the behaviourist approach and the cognitive learning approach. and the cognitive learning approach.The cognitive approach to learning insists that even though learning can be inferred from behaviour, it is separate from the behaviour itself. It is defined as a relatively permanent change in cognition occurring as a result of experience.The cognitive approach suggests that the learner controls learning( Quinn.2000). There are two types of behaviourist learning : classical and operant conditioning.
Classical conditioning is a best-known aspects of behavioral learning theory that was first demonstrated by Ivan Pavlov (1927).Classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus.
Operant conditioning is the term used to describe the effects of the consequences of a particular behavior. In other words, Skinner's(1953) theory explained how we acquire the range of learned behaviors we exhibit each and every day.

According to Blakemore (1988) 'memory is the storage of learning and an internal representations of that knowledge'.
Memory involves a process of getting information and storing it for future. For marketers memory is realy important factor to persuade the customer to purchase their products. They use it to make the consumer remember their services or products.
Thank to a memory , customers evoke their memories of the past, which are often associated with nostalgia.
The diagram below shows the memory process:
Businesses and advertisers have known for years that nostalgia sells, that the products popular during a person's youth will influence their buying habits throughout their lifetime( BBC News,2010)

- Music
- Images
- Smells
- Touch
- Taste
(Source: Psychology Today)

Coca Cola advertisement which is presented below draws nostalgia through the music and the advert itself. The music is typically linked with Christmas time.
This is great. Try to increase the marketing application next time